Jupyter Notebooks
These notebooks are saved in the `projects/notebooks` folder where they can be tested locally by running `jupyter notebook` in that folder. Once deployed to the server, they appear here below, where Google will run them for us in a safe sandbox environment. Thanks Google. I wonder how long that will be free to the public? Here are some Jupyter Notebooks created as examples just for this club. You can change any to play around, but you cannot save them. Click any to show them. Hit **CTRL-F9** to run them if needed.Math
- Calculus GIT - Introduction to using Python to solve some calculus problems.
- DiffEq0 GIT - Template for Differential Equations
- DiffEq1 GIT - Template for Differential Equations
- DiffEq2 GIT - Template for Differential Equations
- DiffEq3 GIT - Template for Differential Equations
- Linear Algebra GIT - Some linear algebra
- Linear Regression GIT - Create a set of points and find the best line that fits those points.
- Lotka–Volterra Equations GIT - Systems of linear differential equations that model predator/prey population relationships.
- SIR Model GIT - Epidemiology and the SIR Model. Systems of linear differential equations.
- sympy1 GIT - use Sympy to symbolically solve this quadratic equation.
- SimultaneousEquations GIT - Solve a three-variable simultaneous equation with numpy linear algebra.
Data Science
- Plot Graphs GIT - Use matplotlib to plot some functions
- DataScience1 GIT - Basic Reproducible Research and Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
- AI/Gradient Descent GIT - Minimize a given function iteratively
- AI/Linear Regression GIT - Find a linear relation between any input and a continuous output; e.g. real numbers
- AI/Logistic Regression GIT - Find a relation between any input and a discrete output; e.g. {Yes, No} or {Bird, Cat, Dog, ...}
- AI/Linear Regression (TF) GIT - Use TensorFlow to find a relation between any input and a continuous output; e.g. real numbers
- AI/Identify Faces GIT - Take a photo and split out all the faces
- Py3dMol GIT - Model a molecule in 3D
- PyMol GIT - Model a molecule in 3D
- PyMolPy3 GIT - Model a molecule in 3D
- Cryptography GIT - Examples of RSA and AES encryption and number theory.
- PythonLists GIT - Examples of manipulating lists, playing cards, and dealing hand.
Computer Science
- Wolfram Automata GIT - From Stephen Wolfram's New Kind of Science
- Bitcoin and Blockchain Mining GIT - SHA-256 Hashing and Bitcoin Mining
- Cadquery Legos GIT - Use CadQuery to show shapes on a 3D screen
- Demographics GIT - Run population estimations of a country based on various assumptions.