- Create an exam from a list of subjects, courses, or assignments. This is resolved into a set of item ids.
- Pick a random seed number, perhaps based on the student's id and exam number.
- For each id in ids:
- Under the
folder find file "{id}.yaml". - If the file is not found: continue
- Add all the questions to a set Q1
- Q2 = 20 random questions from Q1
- For each Q in Q2:
- Create a list of all right and wrong answers.
- Pick 5 random answers A
- Print the question
- Print each answer in A as a checkbox choice
- Add check box "None of the above"
- The student makes the selection
- If any boxes checks except last one, then the last one gets unchecked.
- At least one checkbox must be checked for the SUBMIT button to become enabled.
- The student clicks SUBMIT.
- If in practice mode, if any are incorrect, the page says so, and the student must try another combination.
If in test mode, nothing is shown.
The exam is completed. The choices are recorded. A score is created.