Unix and Linux have produced so many great tool, like the GCC compiler, X Windows, Emacs, the Bash Shell, and all the free software that comes with it, that Cygwin was invented in the late 1990's to let Windows users capitalize on these tools. The alternative was to dual-boot Linux, or run it on another machine.
This was so popular that Microsoft later created WSL in 2016 to allow Windows users to use Linux while in Windows and without using a third-party hypervisor; e.g. VMWare, VirtualBox, or QEMU.
- Learn that such a tool exists.
- Create an run a Hello World program in C or C++ or Fortran or Ada just to say that you did.
- Learn a little about Bash tools, like grep, awk, and sed and why you might call yourself a real hacker if you know them.
- Methods to Install Software Methods to Install Software
- Search the repository of packages that you can install.
- Install and Use Cygwin Install and use this environment