Documentation and Technical Writing
Writing documentation (e.g. in English) to be rendered in some electronic form (e.g. html, markdown, pdf) is more important than any other programming language. English is the most important programming language (at least in the USA) because it allows you to program computer programmers. Companies think so because they will pay you more if your ability to write coherent documentation is great.
Writing is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is. - Dick Guindon
I've also heard this sequitur:
Math is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your writing is.
- Learn why good writing will make you a higher paid engineer.
- Find resources that will help you become a better writer.
- Discuss some general tricks for writing technical specifications.
- Markdown Language for Documentation Use a text editor to easily create web page content without dealing with HTML.
- Create diagrams with just text. Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid
- LaTeX Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid