Editors and IDEs

As an engineer or programmer, you will be using your keyboard a lot. It will be your number one tool of the production. Even if you are an electronic engineer, you will be writing specifications, bug reports, test programs, and general documentation. Using Office applications, like Libre Office or Microsoft Office, are quickly becoming antiquated in lieu of the more contemporary methods of changed tracking systems of collaborative development.

The older generation might be comfortable using Microsoft Word to create documentation, such as a book, contract, or specification. But no one would use it to create programs right? They'd use an Interactive Development Environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio, VS Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ, JDeveloper, PyCharm, CodeBlocks or even Notepad++.

Microsoft Word was primarily invented for a single person to create a single document that looks nice one the screen and prints out nicely. But here are some problems with it:

Using a good editor, like Visual Code, has these advantages:


