World Wide Web
Some important relevant dates in the history of the WWW..
- 1983-01-01 - The official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. ARPANET changed its standard to TCP/IP
- 1985-10 Intel introduced the 80386 with Memory Management Unit (MMU) that allows virtual memory and disk swapping. It was Intel's first 32-bit CPU.
- 1989-03-12 - Tim Berners-Lee proposes the World Wide Web
- 1990-12 - First web browser and web site. WWW goes live.
- 1992-08 Linus Torvalds release the first Linux. It ran on the 80386
- 1993-01 - First release of Mosaic Browser.
- 1993-07 - Microsoft Windows NT
- 1994-12 - 10,000 web servers around the world.
- Computer History Always intellectual to know how computer technology was invented and how it evolved.
- Wikipedia - History of the World Wide Web
- A Quarter In, A Quarter-Million Out: 10 Years of Emulation at Internet Archive - With the goal to keep a history of old software (especially those that read documents) the solution is to emulate the machines and operating systems that these old software run on. Machines back then ran in the MHz. Today's computers are 1000x faster.
- Timeline: The 30-Year History of the World Wide Web